#!/bin/bash clear countdown=10 echo "VOX-Aufnahme-Skript von DL5VU" echo "=============================" echo "" echo "VOX-Aufnahme startet $countdown Sekunden." echo "" # Countdown-Schleife while [ $countdown -gt 0 ]; do echo -ne "$countdown Sekunden bis zur Aktivierung...\r" sleep 1 ((countdown--)) done clear echo -ne "VOX-Aufnahme aktiv! \n" rec -r 48000 -c 1 -e floating-point -b 32 $(date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S").wav \ gain -h 20 silence 1 0 15% 1 0:00:20 15% while [ false ] do rec -r 48000 -c 1 -e floating-point -b 32 $(date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S").wav \ gain -h 20 silence 1 0 15% 1 0:00:20 15% | echo "erzeuge neue Datei >>>" done
sox audiodatei.wav -n spectrogram sox audiodatei.wav -n rate 100 spectrogram -x 800 -y 600 -c "" -t "Mein Spectrogram erstellt mit SoX"
-x num : change the width of the spectrogram from its default value of 800px -Y num : sets the total height of the spectrogram; the default value is 550px -z num : sets the dynamic range from 20 to 180 dB; the default value is 120 dB -q num : sets the z-axis quantisation (number of different colours) -w name : select the window function; the default function is Hann -l : creates a printer-friendly spectrogram with a light background -a : suppress the display of the axis lines -t text : set an image title -c text : set an image comment (below and to the left of the image) -o text : set the name of the output file; the default name is spectrogram.png rate num k : analyse a small portion of the frequency domain (up to 1/2 num kHz)
user/wellenschrat/linux/sox.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 02.02.2025 von Wellenschrat